Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Emulation + Plan

Emulation plan

For my emulation I will be emulating three photo's from my favourite landscape photographers. 

First of all is one of Ansel Adams' photography;

This photo is in black and white as you can see. This brings out the details of the tree against its background. The Tree has an almost silhouette like figure, with the whitey/grey sky in the background. This silhouette effect makes the tree stand out as its the main subject within the photograph. 

Above is my emulation for the previous photograph from Ansel Adams. It is not exactly accurate but shares most similarities. I had gone to a local field, and found a lonely/stranded tree. I have captured it so that the edges of the tree reach out towards the borders of the screen. I have increased the blacks in image, but then erasing it from the ground and sky afterwards. This let me achieve a silhouette type form for the tree, which looks appealing to the human eye with the light grey sky in the backdrop of the photograph. 

Here is my the second photograph I will be emulating by Charlie Waite: 

This photo shows a lovely tree line, with grassy fields in the foreground on the left side of the image. I will emulate this to as accurate as possible. 

Here is the third Photo I will emulate, by Charlie Waite also:

This photograph shows a narrow path running through the middle of the photo, with a tree line either side of the path. 

Here is my version of the photograph above. As you can see it is completely different in most ways but the layout and overall concept is the same (path running down the middle of the image with vegetation either side). I have modified the picture on photoshop; bringing the colours out more, emphasising the greens especially. Here is the original photo;

Here are the options I used and tweaked on photoshop:

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